Unexpected Beauty

I always ask my husband what he thinks of my creations before I release them out into the world. Even though he’s by no means an art curator he has a good eye and most of all he’s honest!

When I first showed him the artwork I painted of this Old Lady Moth I could tell at first he was a bit taken back… after all it’s not a cute, funny animal or beautiful bunch of flowers like I usually paint! But he said that he loved the way I looked at the interesting zigzags and patterns of the moth and saw beauty in it… unexpected beauty. He loved that I took something that isn’t usually appreciated or counted as ‘worthy enough’ for a painting and celebrated the unique designs that it had been given. There is something special and beautiful in everything we see- if we slow down and take the time to see it.

I’m afraid that our society are turning into a people that are losing this skill.

We’re so busy hustling everywhere- laser focused on the next thing we have to do. We are bored if our overactive minds don’t have something to entertain them and our children don’t know how to just sit and be still unless they have a device in front of them.

I’ve been trying to be more intentional about teaching my kids (and myself) to truly be still. Look out the window when we’re driving and see as much as you can. Sit still in nature and just listen. Find the beauty in the most unexpected places.

I think it’s so important.

We really do miss out on so much when we multi task and rush from one thing to the next. And we’re teaching our children to do the same.

When the kids and I found this ‘Old Lady Moth’ we took a moment to marvel at it together in awe of the special design. We took some time to research it and learn more about it and then the kids painted it in their nature journals and I painted it into an artwork- hopefully to share the awe with more people!

I love the way it really does remind you of something you might find in an old lady’s house! The zigzags and scalloped edges of the wings… the rich furry brown against the striking blue and grey… it really does look like an antique wall hanging or heavy curtains or snuggly blanket or crochet rug! There’s so much mystique and charm about it. It suited me just fine to be painting this beautiful specimen with the cosy browns and moody blue in the middle of Winter- snuggled up in our small loft on top of the crest of a hill surrounded by the chilly wind outside and the mist over the hills.

As I’m writing this the wind is absolutely howling outside. I’m so glad that I’m in here and not out there! There’s always so much to be grateful for. Unexpected beauty!

Helen Boughen